In today’s world we all believe in Google for all most everything that happens in our life. Whether we have a problem or any question, we first go to Google and search for the solution. People ask every type of question to Google. In between this have you ever thought that the women who are newly married, what would she be searching for the most on Google? So let’s be ready in this article we are gonna know about top 5 things that a newly married women search for the most on Google.
According to the google search behaviour of peoples, time to time google releases google search behaviour reports. In the recent google search behaviour reports google released about what most Indian married women search for the most on Google and this report will leave you amazed.
5 things that Indian married women search most on Google (2022 reports)
How to put husband on her control?
In India most of the marriages are arrange marriage. And that is the reasons why most of the newly married women often search for the tips to control her husband because they are afraid of losing him. They are very concerned about their husband remain their and not be attracted to any other women.
When to plan for a baby?
This is the most obvious question that most of the marries women asks. Most of the women are not clear about when they should plan for a child? According to the reports, the question in the mind of most newly married women is about giving birth to a child, when it will right to go have a baby? Many women are shy and therefore they are afraid of asking this to others that’s why google is their last and finest option.
Simple cooking tips
According to the reports most women search for simple and tasty food cooking tips so they can make their husband and family happy and make a good impression on them.
How to become a part of family?
After marriage a girl becomes part of a new family but in the beginning everyone is unknown for them and they can’t even communicate with them. So in this situation women search for the tips about how to become a part of family after marriage? What type of behaviour and tone they should use? How to make family happy?
Worried about their career
A newly married women don’t wanna be only entangled in household chores and she often searches on Google that “how to pursue a career after marriage?”. Most of the guys also searches for the same about how to become independent?
So that’s all about today’s post, I hope you liked this article and if you interested in this type of stuff then make sure to bookmark my website and visit time to time for new articles.
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