Vitamin B12 is very important or one can say it's a must to keep the body healthy. Our body does not make this vitamin and for this, we must eat foods that are rich in vitamin B12. If it is lacking in the body, then many diseases can surround you. Our body gives many signals when vitamins are deficient, which can be avoided by understanding it in time.
Vitamin B12 deficiency is becoming a common problem among people in today's run-of-the-mill life. Crores of people in India are victims of this disease. According to statistics, at least 47 percent of the people in India suffer from B12 deficiency and only 26 percent of the population is found to have the right level. This startling data is a warning about the deficiency of Vitamin B12 in the Indian population.
5 symptoms that shows severe deficiency of vitamin B12
The deficiency of Vitamin B12 may seem minor in the beginning but its deficiency, in the long run, can cause huge damage to the body. Vitamin B12 helps in making red blood cells, and DNA in the body, besides strengthening the brain and nerve cells. Its deficiency increases the risk of anemia. Vitamin B-12 is a must for the body. It contains cobalt which is not found in other vitamins and is very important for red blood cells.
Men should consume 2.4 micrograms and women 2.6 micrograms of vitamin B12 daily and if someone is deficient in it, it should be immediately noticed and treated effectively.
What does vitamin B12 do?
Vitamin B12 helps to keep the body's nerve cells and blood cells healthy. It also helps in making DNA. Your body does not make vitamin B12 on its own, it has to be taken from food. You can have eggs, meat and dairy products to get Vitamin B12. Along with this, it is also found in some cereals, bread and yeast.
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Vitamin B12 deficiency causes neurological disorders including skin and eye problems. So it is important to keep an eye on all the symptoms that point toward this deficiency. The UK's government health agency NHS has given information about some symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency, with the help of which you can find out whether you are also suffering from this deficiency.
Main symptoms that shows deficiency of vitamin B12 in your body
- Pale skin colour
- Tongue pain and discolouration
- Sores in the mouth
- Trouble seeing
- Irritability
- Depression
According to scientists, vitamin B12 deficiency can happen to people of any age, but people 60 years and above are more likely to suffer from this deficiency. Also, for those who are vegetarian or vegan, getting enough vitamin B12 can be challenging as it is mostly found in animal products.
These body parts give signs of vitamin B12 deficiency
The NHS said that in many research on vitamin B12, we have found that symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency appear in the hands, arms, legs and feet. People with a deficiency of this vitamin have strange tingling in these four parts of the body. This condition is called 'paresthesia'.
Although if you have this problem in your body, it does not mean that you will lack vitamin B12. It can also be due to many other reasons which include diseases like pressure on nerves, nerve pain, nerve disease, decreased blood supply, hyperventilation, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and hyperthyroidism. That's why it is important that if you have these symptoms, then you should get tested by the doctor.
Burning-pricking in 'paresthesia' can occur in the hands-arms, feet-legs, besides other parts of the body. During this one does not feel any pain and these symptoms arise suddenly without any warning. These are mostly felt in the body when you are sitting or sleeping and you feel them only for a few minutes.
Tongue also gives signs of vitamin B12 deficiency
Vitamin B12 deficiency can also lead to mouth problems, which can lead to blisters, sores, swollen tongue and red tongue in your mouth. Inflammation in the tongue is called glossitis which is a major sign of vitamin B12 deficiency. Due to this, the person gets anaemia and symptoms like blisters in the mouth begin to arise.
Vitamin B12 deficiency also affect your brain
Research has shown that the lack of vitamin B12 has a very bad effect on the brain. During this, the person often starts forgetting things. He is unable to remember new things and has difficulty in concentrating. This is the reason why people suffering from Vitamin B12 have irritability, and behaviour changes and they also have to face depression and memory loss.
If symptoms are seen then it is necessary to get tested
If you are seeing signs of vitamin B12 deficiency in the body, then you should immediately go to the doctor and get it checked. The risk of B12 deficiency is higher in the elderly, children, vegans, vegetarians and diabetic people. That's why such people should keep getting their regular tests done.
What should I eat to avoid Vitamin B12 deficiency?
First, you should know a fact, Vitamin B12 is not made naturally in the body. Therefore, it is necessary to consume such foods which are rich in this vitamin. Along with this, on the advice of the doctor, you can take some supplements.
can also take.
Some of the best sources of vitamin B12 include eggs, beef, pork, ham, poultry products, lamb, shellfish, crab, dairy products such as milk, cheese and yoghurt, and eggs. Vitamin B12 is also found in abundance in many types of cereals. It is not as easy for non-veg eaters to give these vitamins to the body, as it is not for vegan or vegetarian people. However, spinach, beetroot and gram are good sources of it.
Supplements can help with Vitamin B12 deficiency
Never forget that a balanced diet is essential to keep the body healthy. If we eat all the things that benefit the body but still our body does not get the right amount of nutrients, then supplements help in this situation. Vitamin B12 is mostly found in non-veg diets, so vegans and vegetarians can take the help of supplements to maintain this vitamin in their bodies.
The thing to keep in mind here is that supplements can never be a substitute for diet. It would be better if you consume them with a healthy diet. Along with this, you should take supplements only on the advice of the doctor.
This article is for information purpose, before jumping to any conclusion you should always take advice from your doctor.
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