Happy Independence day 2021 wishes, messages, quotes and images

First of all, Happy Independence Day to all of you. On this day on 15th August, India got independence from British rule in the year 1947, since then this day is celebrated as Independence Day all over India. On this occasion, the national flag tricolor is hoisted all over India and this national festival is celebrated with pomp by singing the national anthem, this year India will celebrate its 75th Independence Day


How do you wish someone a happy Independence Day?

On this occasion, I wish you all a very Happy Independence Day. On the occasion of Independence Day, we all try to wish everyone a Happy Independence Day in many ways. In this digital time, we all wish Happy Independence Day to everyone by putting status on WhatsApp Facebook Instagram status etc. That's why in this post we have brought you the best Independence Day Images. Which you can put on your Instagram Facebook or WhatsApp status and send Happy Independence Day to everyone.


What do you say on Independence Day?

Along with Happy Independence Day Images, we have also come up with Happy Independence Day Quotes. By reading these, the feeling of patriotism starts flowing in the blood and in this digital time and corona era, applying Happy Independence Day Quotes is the best way to wish everyone a Happy Independence Day.


So friends, on this occasion of Independence Day 2021 get into the spirit of patriotism by reading Happy Independence Day Quotes and Images and also wish your friends, family and acquaintances a Happy Independence Day 2021 through Happy Independence Day Quotes and Images.

Happy Independence day 2021 wishes, images, messages and quotes


Our soldiers, freedom fighters,  and our heroes of the nation are the reason we are still alive. and we can't forget the sacrifices they made for us. Happy independence day to all of you!



On this occasion of Independence Day, let's salute our nation and express our gratitude to all those who sacrificed their lives to give us freedom. Happy Independence Day 2021.



May your spirits rise with the flag 🇮🇳🇮🇳 today! Have a Happy Independence Day!

Our forefathers got our freedom with their hard work and sacrifices they made for us. Now it's our duty to must work hard to create a better nation for future generations. Happy Independence Day!



My love for my nation is immeasurable. My love for my people is endless. The only thing that I wish for my country is happiness. Let's make this day a special Happy Independence Day!

We are proud of the nation where we were born, let's salute this nation together and enjoy freedom. Jai Hind

Freedom is that God gave us; it is something we are born with. Something that no one can take away from us. Let’s celebrate this great moment of Freedom! Happy Independence Day.


Freedom doesn’t make difference by colours or shapes. There is enough hate and violence in the world, and now we need to become a better version of ourselves, build a better future, full of love, unity and understanding. Have a wonderful Independence Day!


We are blessed to have a right to speak ourselves. Several brave souls fought and secrifies for a right. Let’s take a while to think of their sacrifice and what they had paid for the freedom we are enjoying. 

Let's pledge on this auspicious occasion to do something better for our country and not let our freedom go to waste. happy Independence Day

Happy Independence day wishes for Our brave soldiers

On this auspicious occasion of Independence Day, thanks to all our brothers who have sacrificed their lives to give us freedom. Happy Independence Day.



Happy Independence Day to the brave soldiers of the country who do not hesitate to sacrifice their lives to maintain this freedom.

Tags: Happy independence day india 2021, Happy independence day 2021, 15 August 2021 independence day India, happy 75th independence day india, independence day 2021 Images and photos, Independence day images 2021, Happy independence day celebration images, Happy independence day wishing you Images, happy independence day quotes

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